Learn classical Bharatnatyam dance on line with ease and start earning and performing.

We offer this course to all school girls ,college girls or woman of any age as long as they have goals desire and passion to learn this style and want to enter in new world of rhythmic beauty of mind body and soul.

Our Services

In today’s fast-paced world, I believe that Bharatanatyam should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or schedule. Through online classes, I aim to:

  • Bridge the gap between tradition and technology, bringing this art to a global audience.
  • Provide high-quality,  training that accommodates the needs of modern learners.
  • Save students valuable time and energy by offering a convenient and flexible learning 

About Me

Welcome to the World of Bharatanatyam!

I am  a passionate Bharatanatyam artist, teacher, and choreographer with over four decades of experience in this exquisite classical dance form. My journey in Bharatanatyam began with a formal graduation in dance from Bombay University, followed by 12 enriching years of advanced training under the guidance of the renowned Guru Parvatikumar. This foundation has shaped my artistic expression and teaching methodology, enabling me to share the beauty and discipline of Bharatanatyam with countless students worldwide.

Earning Opportunities Through Bharatanatyam Learning Bharatanatyam is not only a journey of artistic and personal growth but also opens doors to various earning opportunities. As a skilled Bharatanatyam artist, you can explore careers such as:

I strive to impart the aesthetics of this art form to the best of my knowledge to my students, to mold, nurture, and help them blossom into beautiful dancers. I strongly believe that the goal of learning to dance is attainable by anyone willing to pursue it, irrespective of age, gender, and nationality.


See Our Work!

Here’s a quick look at the beauty transformations that we have worked on. Whether it is a temporary makeup or a complete makeover, you can trust us.

Our Clients Speak!

Take a look at what our clients have to say about our work and dedication that keeps them coming back for more.
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Katherine Foxx
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Victoria Klarke
Diremit mundi mare undae nunc mixtam tanto sibi. Nubes unda concordi.
Miranda Griffin
Call For Bookings and Appointments
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+1 234 567 890